About us

The Center of Competence for Tubes and Hollow Sections CCTH was founded in 2008 with the aim of promoting the building with steel hollow profiles and actively supporting our customers in all areas of the application. Our employees are former assistants and students of the University of Karlsruhe and of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), all with a specialized training in structural steel construction.

Since our German name KoRoH GmbH - Kompetenzzentrum für Rohre und Hohlprofile is a little bit complicated and as we also work with many customers and partners abroad, we have chosen a logo, which stands out from our English name Center of Competence for Tubes and Hollow Sections - CCTH.

Competence Center

Thanks to the many years of experience of our employees and the active participation in standardization and international committees, we have been able to build up solid and extensive competences in hollow profile applications.


Engineering services

Our services include verification of stability, fatigue design, dimensioning and optimization of steel structures including offshore constructions. We carry out investigations to clarify damages and residual life and prepare damage analyzes and expert opinions.



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